Elder Swartz

Elder Swartz

Monday, March 4, 2013

Feb. 24th, 2013

Hey everyone!! 

This week has been a fun one! And I don't expect it to get any worse! yeah! 

First, I want to say that Rachel, your pictures probably made me the trunkiest missionary in the mission... not really, but I was SOOOOO jealous!!! All those pictures of the beach and the private islands and private cabinas!!! That is my dream vacation! Harry Potter world and FREE Universal studios! Swimming with sting rays and dolphins!! Holy cow! Just how rich are you guys!? And then to top it all off, your snarky little email about you eating an awesome fudge sunday relaxing and watching a movie. Certainly didn't help me concentrate... haha!  But, I just had this weird rotten tomato thing that actually isn't a tomato and it was way good. We've been having good succes lately with the members and with investigators, and there is a guy getting lined up to be baptized. So, as much fun as your great and spacious cruise ships may be, I'm happy eating my fruit over here. :)  PS: Happy birthday!

Dang... I have no time... Sooo it's been funny to read all your emails because it seems like your winter has been a lot worse than mine... haha! The snow is constantly melting... meaning it's above freezing where I'm at... at least in the day. The sun is pretty much always out and it is SOOO nice! I'm loving it! And the Russians are too. They haven't seen a mild winter like this in a LOOONG time! I haven't needed to where a hat barely at all, wearing a scarf is completely unneeded, and mittens burn me up. It's soo nice! I remember last year when it was... not like this. I'm glad I experienced it once... but just once.

This week, we went to "Snyezhnaya Koroleva" The snow queen. It was a fun culture activity, and it was interesting to see a fairytale I did not know. Also, I just had a SUPER amazing Shaurma (uzbekistanian version of a burrito) and it was probably the best thing I ever ate. Also, this week we're going over to a members house and I'm teaching them how to make mexican food! As long as we can finish in under an hour... haha! 

I'm just in a good mood lately! The Lord's really been blessing our district and we've been having a lot of fun working hard here in Penza! Haha! So my companion, he's wonderful! We went knocking yesterday and everyone we talked to was super nice. Then on the third door, they let us in and we had an awesome lesson. We went home and I suggested we knock in that area some more another day. My companion looks at me as if I'm crazy and says I'm a fanatic. (not in an offensive way, don't worry) He calls me a knocking Nazi and thinks that we do it way too much and says "it sucks". This is funny to me because we have been knocking for two and a half hours tops this cycle, (two or three times for maybe an hour) each time was awesome and we got let in. He has no idea what he's in for... haha!

Dang it! I don't have time! I was going to share a story about a cool investigator! Oh well, if they progress, then I'll tell you next week! Love you all!

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