Elder Swartz

Elder Swartz

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Letter #8

Zdravstvuitye Cemyu!

So It's hard to imagine that I've been here for nine weeks... Yeah, it feels like nine weeks... but it also feels like I shouldn't be leaving in three. Wooh! The MTC flies by when you have new elders in your language! It is honestly so much fun!! All of our new elders are so great!! haha! I love them! It's really funny because they look up to us as the "older districts" and consequently, they all feel as though we are older people, but in reality, some of them are older than I am.

Hmmm... I don't really know what to write about this week. I saw a kid shove ten bowls of lettuce down his pants at lunch. He didn't think anyone was looking... the MTC does weird things to people. My russian in coming along fine. I'm not really good at it or anything, but I'll survive in Russia. Oh man, I'm soo excited to get out of here! I should be getting my flight plans next week and my Russian name tags as well! Things are actually starting to wrap up. My teachers are incredible! I'm so totally getting in touch with them after I get back! Also, I'm so excited to talk to people in Russian when I get back!! I'm not getting trunky or anything, don't worry! It's just an exciting thought! *(Seriously Destin? You're still in the MTC, you've got a LONG way to go)*

Let me think... Oh, before I forget! This message is to Erika Handley! I need you to write me with an address that is where you will be living this next year at BYU, I'm not sure if you're still living at that one place or not anymore, so I don't want to send my letter there! So hurry and write me and tell me your address that you'll have for the next year so your letters don't get sent to some creepo freshman who thinks I'm in love with her or something! I chose to tell you this because you're the most responsible... well, maybe Kristi... as long as she's not too hyper or something. anyway, I just want to be able to write you guys without having to worry if my letters are getting to you!

So one of our last devotional talks that we had talked about this little boy who was walking along with his dad through a canyon or something like that. I can't remember exactly how it the story goes, but the little boy stumbles or is startled and yells out. After a moment, he hears someone else yell out. Surprised and curious, he yells again. Sure enough, he hears a shout come back at him. The little boy shouts "Who are you?" And receives "Who are you?" back in response. "I asked you first!" The little boy shouts back. "I asked you first!" He receives. Frustrated, the little boy shouts "Coward!" And the voice shouts back "Coward!" Finally he looks up at his father. "Dad, what is going on?" The father smiles at his son and shouts "You're wonderful." After a moment "You're wonderful." comes back. "Have a nice day!" "Have a nice day!" The father again looks at his son and gives these wise words. "People call it an 'echo' but really, it's just life. Everything you receive in this life depends on what you give." I loved this story. I had never heard it before, but it's so true! Our life is merely a reflection our our actions. What we say and do will determine many of the blessings we receive in this life and even more of the blessings in the life to come. Really, this story helped build my testimony of obedience. Those who think they can break the rules and still receive the blessings that others receive who are obedient simply do not understand what an echo is. If you are being unfair to God by taking shortcuts or doing things your way, do not expect life to treat you any differently. When you stay up past 10:30 every night, you might be irritating your neighbors, which may cause them to not be as nice to you in the coming days. Haha! I'm not bitter...

Anyways, I must take flight! Soon quite literally! I love you all!

CT. Swartz!

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