Elder Swartz

Elder Swartz

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Letter #2

Hey Cemyu!

So, could you not send soooo much information in emails from now on? by the time I was done reading everything, I only had ten minutes left, so I won't be able to get everything down that I want to. From now on, it would be a good idea to send me a copy of the emails that you send me before hand so that I can have more time to respond. You can still email it to me just in case, but I liked what you did the first time. That way I had already read your email before I wasted any time on the computer. In fact, you can just copy and paste it onto dear elder and send it to me for free! I get it that day! Also, make sure you have the EXACT ADDRESS!! You've done it wrong twice now and your letters are getting delayed! I didn't find out about madison until today!

So funny story: I was walking through the lunch (Elder Hoggard says hi! haha! He just walked by.) room and an elder stops me and asks "Is your name Destin?" I look at him with an odd expression and say "Excuse me?" He repeats. "Yeah, My name is Destin." "So you're Destin Swartz?" "Yes, I'm Destin Swartz..." I'm very confused at this point. Then the elder continues. "I have a hymn book with your name on it." "Why do you have a hymn book with my name on it?" "I don;t know, it's been passed down from zone leader to zone leader in the MTC for generations in the MTC. (A "generation" in the MTC is a transfer period, or six weeks.) We've been waiting for a Destin Swartz to enter the MTC so we could give it to him." So I followed the elder back to his room, and he handed me a hymn book with "Elder Destin Schwarz" on it. There was a note inside that said that said the MTC spelled my name wrong even though they had been told how to spell it correctly. It was signed CT. Andrew B. haha! Isn't that the best! And it's wonderful because it's in Russian!! Russian Hymn books are impossible to get your hands on!! I'm totally doing the same thing for Chris Neilson! (Ashley, Lindsey, Jane, or whoever else may know Chris and if his last name is Nilson, Nelson, or Nielson, please let me know!) Anyway, I thought I should share that story! It was probably the coolest thing in the world! I also run into Evan's mom alot and we talk. Haha! It's interesting that I'm better friends with her AFTER entering the MTC. I barely knew her before. I don't have like, anymore time to write my email, so I'll just say I love you all and I'm doing well! The MTC is great and I have such great elders in my district! Elder Michaelis is my fav!!!! orite. yeeeey. He wrote that. But It's true. haha! And Rounds, and well, everyone! haha! K loves. Bye.

1 comment:

  1. I just stumbled accross this letter looking up blogs of guys going to my mission, I am Chris Nielson and will be entering the MTC in about three weeks! I also went to Lone Peak and heard that Destin was going to my mission as well! I will have to try and track you guys (Destin's family) down!
