Elder Swartz

Elder Swartz

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Letter #49 from Russia

Wow, family.

Way to spoil the big news. We haven't watched conference here in Russia yet. we watch it this weekend... haha! Just kidding, I already knew! however, many missionaries don't know yet... well... know they probably know because they have all gotten emails about it! haha! That's CRAZY!!! I'm expecting  truck load of dear elders in like... three weeks all from random girls who are getting their calls... soooo weird!!! Sooooo awesome!!! I don't think the Russian missions will grow that much because we are already pushings the limits for how many missionaries we can have here, at least in our mission. the government only allows so many.  I also thought of Hunter, and some of my friends that were sophomores when I was a senior... crazy. But super exciting!

Chelsi! I get your letters! You must not be getting mine or something...!

Thanks for Tiffs address! Finally! haha! Also! I want to find out who the heck Heather married. Heather as in perri's daughter, my second cousin! I've been dying to know my whole mission who she married! He served here and I want to know who he was! 

So it was great hearing from Rachel about England! Right now things are not to different, but just watch, things will be getting more and more dicey as you live there. haha! It was the same here. kind of... maybe... in a different way. 

Hey so I was in Samara this past week and I was able to talk to Elder Stoddard, my old comp who is still in penza. He said that Stas is getting baptized!! He went all crazy for a bit because of his wife leaving him, but he came to church after a month or so and a member, baba katya took him aside and prayed with him and after she looked him in the eye and said "your wife is coming back." the next day his wife came back. Stas swears baba katya is a prophetess... haha! His wife came to an activity and then came to church and loved it, cried and really made good friends with a member and they talked about how the principles of the gospel can save their family. The branch loves them and their 4 year old daughter. They came to more activities and came to church again. Stas is counting down for the twentieth to get baptised. he is so excited! Man I love him! I just wish I could be there in penza with him! oh well, Im loving where I am and I know that the lord has people here I need to help him prepare. 

Well. I've got to go! I love you all! 

Elder Swartz!

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