Elder Swartz

Elder Swartz

Monday, March 4, 2013

November 5th, 2012

How's everyone doing!? I love hearing from you all and I love getting your letters! It's been so fun to hear about everyone's halloweens. Halloween doesn't exist here, so pretty much... I forgot about it. haha! It was fun to see all your costumes though! I loved your banana costume mom! haha! It was easily the best one!  

So this week, a lot has happened! It's been an incredible week! So first, we were contacting, and we ran into this guy who at first probably wantd to argue, but we were able to turn it around and he was very interested because we were easily able to stump him in his questions. haha! He invited us over to his house for tea and to talk. Obviously we refused the tea, but we were down for talking. We dropped by, and his house was HUGE! I've never been invited over by a rich person in Russia, so it was pretty shocking. We found out that he is the communist party leader here in Novokuibishevsk and he ran for governer this past electoral season, but lost. It was pretty weird to think that we were at the head communist's house talking... pretty weird. haha!

So Elena is doing great and is ready for baptism! It's awesome! Earlier this week, we asked if she had get her answer, and she said she hadn't. We asked her if she had prayed and she said. "Yeah, but It was interesting. I had drank black tea and coffee that day and I got the answer 'You think I'm going to give you an answer if you aren't doing what i told you to do to get an answer?'" She then said she immediately left and got some herbal tea and this like fake coffee stuff that the members here drink in place of coffee. She was super excited that she was able to just quit like that and she said she feels now like she's ready because she's keeping the commandments! Man! She is so great!

Earlier this week, we ran into the lady who was really pleasant in all aspects other than the words she was saying. She kept telling us all this stupid stuff about the Book of Mormon being a lie and all this stuff, but she wasn't being loud or anything, just doing it "out of love" if that makes sense. It still bugged me and I told her I knew it was true. She said "I prophesy that you will deny those words one day, just wait." Woah. Lady. Who gave you the priesthood? Not Jesus, that's for sure. so I said "I can prophesy too. I prophesy that you will one day realize your mistake in saying that." She got all mad and said I couldn't prophesy that. haha! "It does seem we have a problem. Who is the true prophet among us then?" She said she was and I was wrong. haha! I just said "Po plodam znayete ihk." "By their fruits ye shall know them." We walked away while she was still yelling at us. Man. Some people. 

I had another story I wanted to tell, my favorite one of them all, but I don't have anymore time! Sorry! I love you!

Elder Swartz!

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